Cultural Studies, Film/Media Studies, Visual Studies, Writing
I have taught courses in film and media studies, visual studies, cinema studies, and writing at the American University of Beirut, Brown University, RISD, and SVA. I have also guest lectured at institutions including the City College of New York, Middlebury College, Northwestern University, the University of Wisconsin - Madison, and USC. Below is a sample syllabus for an advanced undergraduate seminar I taught at Brown.
Still from The Last Angel of History (dir. John Akomfrah, 1996)
Fall 2018 - Brown University - Visual Cultures of Repair and Resistance
This seminar will explore the poetics and politics of visual culture that engages war, colonialism, state violence, and the formation of intersecting race, gender, and class inequalities through processes of resistance, refusal, and repair. We will examine how images—from art works in galleries to music videos on YouTube to viral photos of street protests—shape the political imagination as they challenge historical narratives and archival silences, represent and refract contemporary realities, and speculate about possible futures. We will pay special attention to the politics of looking and being looked at, exposing and concealing, witnessing and failing to witness, through concepts such as “the right to look” (Mirzoeff) and “the right to opacity” (Glissant). We will also parse the meanings of “repair,” “refusal,” and “resistance” as modes of ethico-political engagement, distinguishing among varied approaches to socially committed image-making. As we consider a wide range of historical and political contexts, we will zoom in on a few primary loci: Afrofuturism and what Saidiya Hartman calls “critical fabulation” in the “afterlife of slavery”; acts of witnessing and speculation in Palestine-Israel; and transnational resistance to surveillance, drone warfare, and global networks of control.